This afternoon Ace was a total prince. He did everything he was asked to and did not complain or pout but acted happy to be working in the nice weather. Bailey did not want to work this afternoon. For whatever reason she was feeling a bit lazy and "dropped anchor" about 6 times. Normally when a dog does this it is a simple matter of making them get back up and keep going. When the dog weighs 135 pounds it is a different story. Bailey would dramatically flop herself onto the ground and become immovable. It took all of my body weight to get her onto her feet again and working. Luckily I was able to make her get up every time she did this. It would be very unfortunate if she were to win that battle.
Overall they are both doing okay for this stage of their board and train. They are adapting to the hot collars and will be off leash completely soon. Bailey has been very slow about Recall but has not been bolting away at all. She just really drags her feet when she would rather be doing something else. Ace is a bit faster when it comes to responding to commands but has a slightly higher tendency to try to get us to chase him around the yard instead of coming back. They will be on long lines tomorrow and probably off leash on Tuesday.