Her obedience is going alright. We have hit a bit of a wall when it comes to Down. She Heels and Autosits like a champ, and she comes when called. She does fine at Implied Stay. But Down she just braces herself and refuses to budge. We will push this hard tomorrow because I think it is coming from a place of stubbornness and not confusion.
I am going to fashion her a little neck protector. Her skin is so sensitive and thin that she is sometimes getting pinched by her collar and I don't want her to be uncomfortable. It will be a small sleeve (likely cotton) that fits like a scarf on her neck and it will just keep her from getting pinched. She has not had a single accident yet while she is here and so I am going to give her a bit more freedom tomorrow with her water bowl and see how she does. She isn't a fan of the cold and I think that has helped her learn that as soon as she goes she gets whisked back in to the warm.
Tomorrow, as I said, we are going to try to push Down again and we are going to try our hand (paw?) at Placemat.