Charles had a good day 2 today. We worked on Heel and his Sit was much better today that yesterday. He still wants to lay down instead of sit much of the time. His Heel is good though he pulls a little and is very easily distracted. I know he will get better over the next few weeks.
Charles is a very sensitive dog. It is easy to hurt his feelings and over correct him. It will be vital that we be careful in his training with the shock collar and after he goes home, not to scare him or use too high a level. If he is scared or frustrated he won't learn well. I feel he wants to get the answer right and he enjoys praise so he isn't difficult to communicate with. But he also has a fragile disposition and the wrong tactic can ruin his whole day and send him into a pouty mood that isn't conducive to learning. But that doesn't mean he shouldn't be corrected for wrong answers. That would be a disservice to him. We just need to make extra sure we are fair and even handed with this big baby.
Tomorrow we are working on Down/Stay, Implied Stay, and more Heelwork.