We also started the Come command today and he gets the general idea. He isn't great about stopping himself yet. He tends to just trot right past me but he is starting to realize that he gets lots of praise and petting when he stops himself and sits down.
I feel like we are a much better team today than we were yesterday. He is an independent boy who was not interested in working for a stranger but now that we are better buddies he is starting to see my point of view. This is not to say he is unfriendly. He likes people and wants to make friends but he also has his own ideas about what he should do and unless he respects a person their opinions mean very little to him.
Tomorrow we are going to work on Down and Stay as well as his other commands he already has been introduced to. We are also going to start his focused exercise. He is an active and healthy adult dog so he will get easily frustrated without a good bit of exercise a day. So it is time to start him on daily bike rides to stretch his legs and get his heart pumping. This is always fun for my 7-day trainees because they don't get much time off the leash. This is a good outlet for their pent up energy.