He is such a bright boy I am confident he will grow up to be an absolutely wonderful dog. Right now he is a perfect Golden pup and with a family who is dedicated to making sure he only gets rewarded for acceptable behaviors he will settle in just fine.
On our walk to day he was very frightened of all the parade goers (the St. Patrick's Day Parade route was one block away) and so we did end up cutting the walk short but he did stay in a reluctant Heel the entire time, so that was good. We also took his go-home video this morning. Tomorrow we are going to take his glamour shot for the year book and mostly let him stay inside so that he doesn't get too muddy right before he goes home! It does always seem like we get rain right when I am trying to keep a dog clean.
I had so much fun with Clark. He reminds me of my favorite Golden, Bandit, and maybe that's why I can so easily see the wonderful adult dog that is waiting to come out once he is done with puppyhood. Don't rush it though! Puppyhood definitely has its own merits.