Graciepants did well today. She did get a bit of an easy day because my day was booked solid with lessons and consults but the couple workouts we got to went fine. She is still not always super confident that she is doing things right and so she needs some encouragement but she tries hard and enjoys working and she is a love sponge so praise is her bread and butter.
I am afraid that with the weather we probably won't get a chance to go downtown so I will want to prioritize that in follow up lessons. TOmorrow we are taking her glamour shot for the website and taking her go-home video to show her folks during her pick up lesson so they can see that she learned stuff while she was here. She is going to be PUMPED to see them again and so the video helps showcase what we want it to look like when she is calm just incase she is a screwball during the lesson.
Right now she is chewing on Ace's head and trying to tease him into playing with her, it's working so long as he doesn't have to get up from his bed to play. He had a long day of consultations and so is trying to relax with a puppy on his back.