Maisy had a bit of a finicky day today. She just plum did not feel like working. We took some video of her but mostly it was of her back talking and being a little princess. Eventually she would do her job but not without turning her nose up to it first. I may give her a play day tomorrow and try to take her on a walk in town instead of working her obedience really hard. I might just give her one obedience run through, if she is getting sick of the heavy work days she has been having. Sometimes burnout can happen if a dog feels like she has been overworked and we don't want that. Training should be fun!
Rascal comes out of his shell a little more every day and he had an awesome day today. Arguing doesn't seem to occur to him as much as it occurs to Maisy. It isn't that Maisy is defiant, she just has her own ideas of how she should do things. Both dogs respond well to a firm owner who is both patient and strict. Both require a sense of humor because these are two very happy and well adjusted dogs. Even though Maisy gets barky on her leash, this should not be misconstrued as aggression. It is all bluff.
Noah's sitter is coming out tomorrow to give me time to exercise and work with Rascal and Maisy and then Noah and I are going into town to walk Maisy. If I can get a second person to come with me Rascal will get to come along for the ride but if I am going to be the only adult then Rascal will likely stay home.
More tomorrow!