Their afternoon (individual) workouts went great. We introduced their remote trainers today and while we haven't taken the leash off they did pretty well. Ruby is so sensitive that she mostly just needed the pager instead of a correction, which is always nice. Ripley was very responsive to it and seemed to take the stimulation from the collar better than a leash pop which seem to hurt his feelings a little. I am looking forward to taking the leashes off but I will definitely be doing this individually first before letting them both off together because they still have a hard time focussing.
Down for both of them is still requiring as least one correction but they are getting there. Ripley HATES stay but Ruby is actually pretty good at it! Heel is great on their own and it is hard when they are together but remember, they are still quite young. They are doing just fine for having just started at this. Their owners will need to be strict with the rules when they go home and not fall for the big-sweet-brown-eyes-of-doom.
Tomorrow we are working more with the remote trainers and pushing all that obedience a little harder. The blog may be a bit late tomorrow because it is Good Friday but unless we have internet troubles it should get posted. For now the pups are relaxing in their bed and, of course, telling the cat that they generally disapprove of her.