After the fun in the garden, Claven and I had some chores to do around the property and Wally got to come along for some of them. He and I played in the horse paddock while Claven fixed part of the fence. Wally held a down stay (with a few admonishments from me for getting bored and wandering around) during some chopping of firewood. We also went on a long walk in the big pasture. This got his allergies going and he needed his eye drops this afternoon.
Tomorrow is picture day. We are going to get video of his new skills as well as take some glamor shots of him for his spot on the website.
As we start winding down his stay with us I am trying to nitpick his behavior to try to see if there are any problem areas that still need fine tuning. All in all, though, I am very happy with this board and train. He has been a very good student.