Down from the front and from the left side
Place mat
Come (that's her favorite)
and Stay
All while wearing a leash and also without a leash on. She is also trained to wear an electronic collar and that comes in very handy when there are large distractions around and also for when she is acting overly defensive (she has been growly at strange men during her stay here and a mild nick with a verbal correction quiet her down and she is able to lay down without growling or barking at anyone). She knows not to jump up but will if you ask her for a "hug" while tapping your chest.
We enjoy all the dogs that stay with us but it takes a very special animal to require no adaptations from us. She has fit so smoothly into our daily life and gets along so well with our two dogs (though she still snubs Kylie and won't chase her the way Kylie would like her to) that we did not need to make any dramatic changes to how we do things here. She was a quiet and polite house guest. We will miss having her around, quietly following us from room to room, sticking her nose into our ear from over the back of the couch, or silently "guarding" the front door. I think Claven, my husband, will miss playing frisbee most of all. He has always wanted a dog to play frisbee with and it has been their daily past time.
I will be sad to see her go but happy to see her showing her owners all her new skills.