Max is doing great. He is getting ready to go home in a couple of days and so we are in the fine tuning stage of his obedience.
He seems to get things pretty well. The only bad habit I still see from him from time to time is if he is in the house and decides he is not interested in coming to his kennel I have to leash him and pop him sometimes in order for him to understand that I mean it. This is only when he is having too much fun with Ace and Gatsby to want to go chill out in his kennel. He has improved in that he no longer runs from me (the "chase me" game). He just sits there and looks like I am canceling Christmas while I leash him and take him back to his kennel.
His obedience is pretty awesome right now. He seems to like the work and has really good focus, even for a labrador.
Tonight we are going to practice Placemat some more and tomorrow we are going to take his go-home video and his glamour shot for the Yearbook. He is one goofy goober!