Today was a very decent first day for Barkley. He caught on to Heel and walking with a loose leash quickly with the help of a pinch collar. As soon as he figured out how to get pets and how to avoid a correction he was happy to oblige. He is sitting automatically but not at my side. He scoots his little bottom around so that he can face me and ask if he got the answer right. Like I said, he is a very sweet boy. We also started Down today and he did so/so. It takes coaxing to get him to lay down and even more to get him to stay down. Poor guy is convinced that he will be left out of some wonderful game if he stays laying down for too long.
Barkley is also getting a little taste of his own medicine. He usually spends a lot of his time pestering his puppy sister and trying to play. His kennel-mate, Tsula, has stepped into the role of pesky sibling and has not let Barkley have a break! He even willingly napped in his kennel for a bit of respit. Don't worry though. We have a strict rule here about stopping play if someone isn't having fun. He enjoys playing with Tsula but she wears him out! It's good for him.
Welcome Barkley, this will be a fun week!