He is doing well with Heel, his Autosit is fine except when he may have to sit in a wet area (which, unfortunately is most of the property right now). His stay is getting there and his come command is awesome. Unfortunately his Down command is still really sticky for him. He fights it and he fights it hard. He will feign deafness, try to hide, try to tease me into playing instead, and do pretty much anything to avoid laying down. This will be the main thing we focus on tomorrow (along with the Implied Stay) because everything else is going so well. Even Placemat is fine!
I do partially blame the weather because when we are inside he doesn't fight the Down command nearly as much. Beau is so sweet and silly, we just need to really try to clean up his Down.
Right now Beau is trying his best to be friend's with our sleepy old dog, Ted, while the other dogs are all playing a game that is too rough for him to enjoy. Unfortunately Ted is no fun.
I am going to start taking his go-home video tomorrow to show his parents what he has learned. Beau is a very smart little guy!