Her leash manners are good. Her come command is very cute and her Down is great tho she sometimes is a bit of a firecracker about it and needs a little boop from her collar. Her attention span still gets the better of her with the Implied Stay but it improves all the time. Really the most important thing for Bella is high expectations for her behavior. She happily meets them and wants to please but if you don't expect her to be obedient she will also be very pleased to bounce around and play and get into mischief instead. But she is a soft natured girl and she isn't ever truly trying to be disobedient and so usually just a small correction and reminder of her task gets her back to her work.
We are working on proofing all of her commands and working around bigger distractions now and my big goal is to try to improve her staying power and self restraint. She is still a very silly puppy though and so a sense of humor is a must when we work together or else it just wouldn't be any fun.