Bridget is going home this afternoon and she now has a strong foundation in her obedience. She is still distractible and has to be kept on task but she has an understanding of what is asked of her now. She also knows what the word "no" means.
Yesterday we practiced her Implied Stay some more. Her owners will see on her go-home video that it is all about having high expectations and making her do it. Sit means Sit and if you don't mean it she will simply blow you off. If you tell her to Sit you MUST make sure she does it or else she will be less likely to comply next time. She is a very sweet girl but she is smart and observant. She will learn quickly who in the house she has to listen to because they hold her accountable and who she can blow off.
She is such a sweet little girl and I will miss her antics around here. She will be thrilled to be home where she doesn't have to share attention with as many as 4 other dogs.