Bullet is making steady progress. She is still only allowed in small sections of the house but today I let her off of her leash while I made dinner. I had to call her back in a couple times when she started to sneak off but no accidents today.
She is not eating very much right now as she adjusts to her new feeding schedule. I am not worried. She will eat when she gets hungry. So long as her food is consistently put down at the same time each day she will learn when to expect food.
We did placemat today for about an hour and 45 minutes. It took a few corrections to get her to really park it and once she did she was pretty pouty. After she stayed put for a long time I called her up to my lap so we could be friends again.
I hope tomorrow to give her some more free time without her leash. I also hope to have her hold her bladder for 4 or 5 hours. I will update with how she does tomorrow but I think she will do fine. I am also happy to report that she has kept her kennel clean and dry so far. Good job, Bullet!