Her Heel/Autosit is pretty good but she is still toiling with Down. I know she can do it and will be back at it tomorrow. She prefers to hunch up and kind of scrunch instead of of properly laying down but seeing as before she simply refused to budge when asked to lay down I have accepted the scrunching so long as she lowers herself to her elbows on her own but continue to encourage her to go all the way into a laying down position. Chihuahuas are famous for their stubbornness and so it takes patience and understanding when teaching one. Especially one with such delicate sensibilities.
Her Come command is pretty spot on. She sometimes asks to be picked up instead of sitting but it usually just takes a verbal "no" reminder and she sits back down. She has kept her crate clean and I think the cold has helped in her potty training. She has learned that the more quickly she goes to the bathroom the sooner I swoop her back into the warm.
I made her a little neck protector to keep the collar from pinching her. Country life does not agree with her delicate skin and I think some lotion is in order here pretty soon.
Tomorrow there will be no blog post because of the holiday but rest assured that Butters will enjoy the day with her normal exercise and training workouts and she will also get to watch the parade with my husband and I. She has a special fondness for my husband and likes to wile away her down time being doted on by him.
I wish her family a happy and relaxing Thanksgiving tomorrow!