I would call Cowboy's training complete now and we are just doing some upkeep. The only technical thing he still needs work on is Down from the Front. Instead of routinely laying down where he is he will try to sneak up and lay down at my feet. As sweet as this is, it is technically not what he is supposed to do.
Today we took our big field trip downtown. I think he enjoyed it although he sometimes did get a little anxious. We were not able to get into town when children were around but I did run into a jogger on Mass. and they obliged me and ran by us while Cowboy was in a Down Stay. They did this a few different times, passing very close and even coming up behind us. Cowboy did not misbehave at all when the stranger ran quickly by him and the jogger exclaimed that Cowboy was the best trained dog he had encountered in a long time.
It was a lively time of day with many shoppers, window washers, and a roadwork crew going about their day. The only time Cowboy broke his Heel and tried to sneak up on someone was when we passed a person carrying 3 Pizzas. All I had to do was give him a verbal "No" and he fell right back into Heel and walked nicely. He sat down at every cross walk and even laid down and let a gaggle of future Seeing Eye Dogs pass by as they exited a restaurant. All in all, a lovely walk and I was pleased with how he behaved.
Tomorrow we will work a little more on his Down from the Front and run through everything else. As it is his last full day I will try to do something fun for him. Maybe a long walk in the pasture or a game with the exercise ball. Sometimes he really enjoys playing with the ball and other times he is very above it all and isn't interested.