Daisy went down town with me today and she did extremely well. No pulling, even when she was in a leisure walk (i.e., not in a Heel command). She wanted to sniff a few people and one man who came out of a doorway too quickly got woofed at but she quieted down with just one correction. All in all it was a very pleasant walk and she was an absolute peach.
Tomorrow is her go-home day and since we got her video taken today the only goal for her is to take her go-home picture for the website! That means that she gets to play, relax, and generally get the day off from her workouts so long as she is still being well behaved.
Daisy has been a pleasure to work with and she is a very sweet little girl. Her owners will need to practice patience with her and also be firm. She is very cute and while she isn't super manipulative she is a doofus sometimes and it is easy to laugh at her a little and let a silly mistake slide. But she can do all of her commands and she has it in her to be a very well trained dog for many years to come so long as back sliding isn't tolerated. Good girl, Daisy!