Today we did the very basics, Heel/Autosit (which she is already a rock star at because her mom has worked with her on it already), Down, Implied Stay and Come. She eventually got all of these commands right at least twice in a row today but the Come command was the toughie. She took a LOT of encouragement before she would come when called and sit nicely in front of me. She wasn't shy or unwilling. She was simply too BUSY to stop what she was doing to come when called. She would even frantically look for something else to do when I called her so that she wouldn't have to come. Her remote collar was instrumental in teaching her that I can actually bug her wherever she goes so she may as well come and get butt scratches the first time I ask her to. By the end of the day she was understanding the game and she was coming much more regularly.
She stayed on a long tether today but as her recall improves I plan to give her some play time off-leash just using her remote. So far she has been a fun (and sassy) student and a polite house guest once she stops throwing the Gracie party. Ace adores her.