He has had some off-leash workouts at the farm and done pretty well. I have not been able to get him out there as much as I prefer because it has been SO muddy. But when we have gone out he has done a good job. Today we went to Massachusetts Street and worked on all of his obedience. It wasn't as crowded as usual because it was later in the day but still lots of people walking by and plenty of traffic. He was distracted but didn't need any big corrections to keep him on task. He just needed a vibration here and there and lots of verbal cues about what to do.
He is working very hard and enjoying the work (when it isn't raining out. He will thank you to not walk him in the rain). Today my two year old told him to go to Placemat and Jersey hopped right on his bed and laid right down. It made Noah very happy that Jersey listened so well. Right now Jersey is sound asleep and snoring rather loudly.