Lexi is a young Goldendoodle who has so much energy and love and goofyness oozing out of her it is hard to look at her and not giggle. She is charming and sweet when she wants to be but boy-oh-boy does she have a stubborn streak! During training today we refreshed her on the basics she learned in lessons. We worked Heel/Autosit, Down, and Come and she argued and fussed and tried very very hard to do anything other than what I was asking her to do. Then she saw the horses and froze dead in her tracks and stared at them for (I actually timed her) 2 minutes. Then she chuffed and walked a little nicer. Perhaps the presence of such large animals inspired a bit more dignity in her, I don't know. Once she was in the mood to listen she did well. I had her on leash today and will likely keep her on leash for part of tomorrow just to make sure she understands to come to me when I page her (she is being trained on a Dogtra IQ). After that we lose the leash and the real training begins.
Tomorrow we are going to push the basics a little more and if she does well we are going to start