Today I introduced her to a pinch collar. This is not the collar she will wear when she goes home but I will use it while I am teaching her the commands. This way when I put her electronic collar on she will have a good understanding of the commands already. It is vital that the collar be used only when she already has a good understanding of what I want her to do. Using it too early can be scary for a dog and might sour them to the collar. So the pinch collar will allow me to teach her clearly and easily and in a few days she will be ready for the electronic collar.
She learned Heel today. She caught on very quickly that she had to walk politely at my left side but tried just about every trick in the book to get away with lunging forward or pulling. By the end of the day she would walk pleasantly and sit with some coaxing but it is clear that if she had her way she should be way out in front pulling my arm off.
Tomorrow we start Implied Stay and Down along with continued work on Heel and Autosit. Luby is a sweet and smart girl who just needs direction to become a truly charming household companion. Welcome Luby!