I hope to take them into town either today or tomorrow (whenever I can find a helper to hold the other leash) and get going on getting Maisy to bark her fool head of and thus teacher not to.
Rascal had a completely off-leash work out today and did really well. Maisy is not yet completely off the leash yet but she is working on it. Rascal, being the rock star that he is, acted like he had never needed the leash in the first place and was grateful I had finally realized this. Sorry, Rascal! I did not mean to insult you. But I am not above putting the leash back on if he decides to be a stinker in the coming days.
For day 2 I am more than pleased with where these guys are. Right now we are all watching a movie together (except for Maisy who is harassing an unimpressed cat named Kimono).