With the downpours happening all day it is little surprise that we got little done today. We had one long workout and then some baby ones in the training room but we didn't seem to make much progress. Both boys were amped up and argumentative. This manifested in Chewie with a great deal of pouting and big Bambi eyes at me ("why oh why must I lay down!?) while Rocky was just plain defiant and bored. Tomorrow we will have a good long exercise session before a serious workout.
Progress wise Rocky did some back peddling today on the Down. I know he knows it, he did it so well yesterday. I think his boredom and pent up energy made him just too playful and too wired to pay attention.
Chewie got a little more energy let out today because he is small enough to run zoomies in the house (in fact- that's what he is doing right now!).
Tomorrow will be better hopefully but if it is rainy again I may have to keep them for an extra day just to proof everything.