Today he we worked on walking on a leash without pulling and sitting when we stop. We also introduced Implied Stay and Come. He did really well...after he finished his phenomenal tantrum. Huskies are famous for tantrums and Tide threw a doozy. I stood waiting for him to realize that while he rolled around on the ground complaining that I was making him do stuff that if he just put his bottom on the ground he got a pat. Once his good sense caught up with him all tantrums stopped and he Heeled very pleasantly and was Autositting by the end of the day. The other things we introduced still need work. A chunk of my day got eaten up by a farm chore and so the hottest part of his first day he got to nap in his kennel. He definitely did not complain about that.
Moving forward he and I are going to continue command introductions tomorrow and have some play time. Huskies are ornery but they are HILARIOUS and if you can keep a sense of humor around the training they are really fun to work with. Welcome Tide!